Access all of the forms you’ll need
The bulk of what you will need to manage and update your EARNS account can be done online, simply by signing in to your account. But, if you prefer to do things offline, we have all the forms you’ll need below as downloadable PDFs.
Auto-enrollment / Opt-out form
This form combines notice of EARNS auto-enrollment and program highlights with an Opt-Out Form to use if you decide you do not want to participate in the program.
Consolidated auto-enrollment / opt-out Form (English)
Consolidated auto-enrollment / opt-out Form (Español)
Add a beneficiary
Use this form to change or add primary beneficiaries and secondary beneficiaries.
Add a beneficiary form (English)
Add a beneficiary form (Español)
Account maintenance
Use this form to change your name, permanent and/or mailing address, phone number, email address, contribution rate, annual increase, or bank information.
Withdrawal request
Use this form to request a withdrawal from your EARNS account.
Excess removal worksheet
Use this form if your contributions exceed the annual Roth IRA contribution limit or your income exceeds the maximum allowed for Roth IRA contributions and you need to make a withdrawal to correct the excess.
Recharacterization form
Use this form to move a contribution originally made to a Roth IRA into a Traditional IRA.